Club Seven 2006

Here's a snapshot of the list of performers who performed at the "New Folk Club 7" Sundown Concert at Threadgill on June 1st, 2006 - Thanks Mike!! (courtesy of Mike Williams, who emceed the show)


T-Shirts courtesy of Tom Frost - Thanks Tom!!

Tom Frost gave each performer a real nice t-shirt proclaiming the wearer as a proud member of the club. On the sleeve he had placed the appropriate number of stripes (masking tape) to indicate the number of years the member had appeared and not won, or as Mike said "lost, been rejected, etc. (all in good fun). 

There is a long-standing tradition of having a Club 7 concert at Camp Cuisine on day 8 (2nd Thursday/Fajita Thursday) of the festival. It is hosted by Mike Williams and always well attended. In 2006, Dalis arranged for the annual gathering to be an official Sundown Concert. I could give you lots of details on the concert, but for two reasons I will defer: 1) I was working at the Hospitality Booth and missed some stuff, and 2) I was the last performer on the list so anything I say about HOW GREAT THIS THING WAS might be construed as having some personal bias involved. I'll just say that by happenstance, I got the final time slot and it was not only a thrill to close the show, but to have such an illustrious list of performers as my opening act will be an honor I cherish until my dying day!!! ;-)

Here are some comments on a couple of items for the purists and those who want the details:
Jack Hardy's shirt had a roman numeral "X" (masking tape) to indicate that although he had never been a finalist had incredibly been rejected (tied for 33rd) ten times. Several of the performers had actually won at some time, but since they had been finalists and lost are considered to be members of the club. I should also mention that my fellow Happenstance members, Dan Clanton and Brooks Walthall, could not be on the ranch so they could not join me for the appearance. I would have loved to heard those familiar voices doing the harmony parts. Missed you guys!!!!

(back to KFF NFF History)